Monday, 11 August 2014

Photography As A Business

My Story…
I’ve always been interested in photography or photographs taken by others, but it wasn't till 2013 that I got my first real camera which was the Sony A65, I did look at Canon and Nikon, but like others I had set myself a budget and the idea of being able to use other manufactured lenses was the appeal for me and I just liked the A65.
Within a few months I had purchase a few lenses and research YouTube for ideas on how to use the camera and take photos. YouTube is an enormous library that can supply awesome words of advice and step by step ways of doing things.

Facebook is a social network I've used for a long time, I have in the past set up pages and groups to do with a target shooting sport I use to do, but now I’m retired. I did try setting up a group for intermediate or people new to photography to share their images and ideas, but it was slow to take off and I don't like the way Facebook messes with the images when you post them.
Then Google was plugging its Google Plus and I found communities and photographers of all stages in their work, in one place and the layout seemed great. 

It’s a bit nervous posting your own images in a world where people are much better than you at taking images and have a good eye for an image. But my experience with the site has been positive as everyone is willing to give you positive feedback on what you’re posting. For me, that what's important so to progress in my work to get better results. Seeing others work, not only makes me envious in some way but gives food for thought on what maybe I can do based on the technique that they've used.

Over the first part of 2013, I got more into what I was doing and getting better at the understanding of images and the post editing side of things. I had used up my budget and wanted to progress further, but to do that I needed to get a better understanding of photography, so I embarked on signing up for a 3 year degree in professional photography that is part of a Plymouth University degree, but done at City of Bristol College.

Right now I've done my first year and soon to start my second year, I’ve invested in a new camera body which is the Sony A99 so all my lenses would work with it, bought gear to make a small studio at home and built a website so to promote myself and to show my work in galleries that I've set up. Now I feel ready to start doing paid work, but where does one start?

Photography Business…
So I’ve done the friends and family bit and promoted on social networks and even entered competitions, but what more can be done to get one’s self out there?

I’ve decided that I won’t stick to one area of photography like Weddings and made the point in my site and in advertising that I'm freelance. Being freelance gives me a wider audience to approach, it also allows me to decide what’s possible or not in my ability physically to do jobs that come my way.

Photography is no different from other businesses in that you have others offering the same service, I don't believe in looking to lower pricing to tender for jobs out of being desperate, your work and social skills should talk volumes for them to pay the going rate and get what they pay for and leave being not just happy but to express to others how good you are as a photographer to put your name forward.

Working for yourself isn't easy and it takes drive and looking all the time at what’s around you that might bring you work, networking with social media is good but needs to be fresh and updated, just like your website and the images you’ve put there to be viewed and to tell others that there is new items to view.

I’m just starting out and would be grateful for ideas on what can be done or improved to bring clients to see me as a potential photographer they might use. There are many on Google Plus that are Professional Photographers that have been in the business for a while, your thoughts would be so welcomed to this blog feature, even though I know it’s a big ask to make a comment and share your experiences with me and those that are reading this. 
Maybe there are pitfalls to take into account when setting yourself up that you know of or affected you when you started out, anything that you can comment on would be welcomed.

If you are just starting out like me, then maybe you have views on what works and doesn’t and happy to share in this blog.

We all have a love for photography and some decide to do it as a business while others do it as a hobby and maybe feel taking it to that level as a business is too much to take on or even see it as binge a risky thing to do, maybe you can explain why feel that way.

Thanks to everyone that's taken the time to read this and to say thank you in advance if you do decide to comment.


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